Auxiliary Members, Mar. 2020
We heard from 1 of the servicemen we sent boxes to. Minnesota Loving Hands donated a quilt for each of the service men we sent boxes to. One of the service men sent a picture of the quilt on his bed. Minnesota Loving Hands is a group of ladies I belong to that quilt every Tuesday. Our group donated 100 quilts to veterans at the VA in St. Cloud.
We had a group of VFW Auxiliary ladies make backpacks. We will be donating them to the Eagle Nests in Sauk Centre. We are in need of new or gently used t-shirts and new shorts. We put into them what they will need for a couple weeks, like shampoo, deodorant, tooth brushes and tooth paste. If you would like to donate any of these things drop them at the VFW or call me and I can make arrangements to pick them up.
Our Auxiliary goes every 4th Tuesday to the Fergus Falls Veterans Home. We play Bingo and after the games we have a snack. Roers Family Bakery donates all of the rolls we use for a snack every time. When you shop at Roers Family Bakery be sure to let them know you appreciate what they do for our Veterans. Some of the veterans aren’t sure if they come to Bingo to win or have a bakery roll!
There will be a Craft Show at the VFW on Saturday March 21 from 10am to 4 pm. Come out to the VFW and check it out. Also check out all of the work that has been done at the VFW. You might be surprised on the improvements.
Remember we are always looking for more members. By keeping the VFW strong we are helping all who served this Great Country.
Dates to remember: District meeting in Appleton is Sunday, Apr. 19, 2020 at 1PM. Getting donations for Buddy Poppies will be Apr and May. The State Conference will be June 3 to June 7, 2020 at the Crown Plaza in Plymouth. Auxiliary Salad Luncheon July 23, 2020 at St. Mary’s Great Hall from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Hoping this finds all of you in good health. If you have been ill I hope for quick recovery.
Gladys Sanborn, Treasurer, address is 8081 County Road 31 SE. Alexandria, MN. 56308. Send her your dues of $20 and change of address. Life members send your $5 for the cancer program to Gladys. If you change your phone to a cell phone let Gladys know too. To be able to get your newsletter we need your change of addresses.
Cecelia Haffner, Aux. Pres: phone 320-491-8527. Address is: 1254 Co Rd 86 SE Alexandria, MN 56308 e-mail is Call, text, e-mail or write me if any questions.